What is the most remarkable vestige of the past in Latin America?

The obvious answer would be Machu Picchu… And, of course, it certainly is. But we believe there are many more. Throughout Peru you can find marvelous vestiges of the past that astonish the world’s travelers. Machu Picchu is a must-see destination, but Peru is also home to Kuelap and Chavin de Huantar, Caral and Chan Chan, the Nasca Lines and Sipan… and we could name even more!

Fixed Departure Tours 2024

Explore Peru, Brasil, Argentina, Ecuador and more...

Our escorted small group tours offer a very comfortable and carefree Peru vacation with permanent English speaking tour leaders throughout the entire trip whilst in Peru. All our escorted Peru holidays include new private minibuses, excellent Peru guides, quality accommodation and some meals with the comfort of a permanently assisted Peru group tour. Fixed date Peru tours and weekly scheduled Peru Escorted Escape departures allow for a fully flexible Peru vacation hassle free.